January 2025
Penobscot Bay Community Health Partnerships
Social Media Post Contest
for Middle and High Schools
submissions judged by panel
The theme of January 2025's contest is
“Substance Use Awareness,”
focusing on positive messages and encouraging fellow students
to stay substance-free:
prevention education to inform people about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse
the potential impacts on health, relationships, and society
promoting understanding of addiction as a disease
encouraging open conversations about seeking help and options for recovery

Open to students in grades 6-8 and 9-12.
Each submission must include student’s first and last name, name of school, and grade for recognition. (Parent permission is required.)
Posts entered for consideration must be a square image, preferably 1080x1080px, submitted as .png, .jpeg, or .pdf
Entries must include a short text message for further information (200 word max).
Entries must be original content.
Any posts including a personal portrait of anyone other than contest participant must include a signed release form.
Entries may be submitted by contacting aphipps@penbayymca.org
Submissions will be judged by a panel of professionals working in the field of prevention and social work. Middle and High School submissions will be judged separately. One winner from each school will be chosen.
Winning entries will be featured on Penobscot Bay Community Health Partnerships Instagram and Facebook profiles. A press release recognizing participants and winners will be published online.